How difficult are Study Abroad Courses?

The difficulty of your courses is depends heavily on which program you study abroad with. Some programs, say, Ivy League university exchanges, are academically severe as your home institution. Some program providers even have accredited research and intern programs that might be more difficult to listen and study.

How do I know which university is the best for me?

All the countries have university rankings; but this may not be the only distinguishing feature for a university. A university that suits the student best would be the one that: » Is accredited by the local Accreditation Council » Offers the course that a student is looking for » Accepts students qualifications for the interested course » Is situated in a location that student is interested in Once these 4 points are checked with, the student can then look into the financial part.

How long can I stay abroad?

The Stay back is different for different countries, In Germany after completing your program, you get a Residence Permit for 18 months, In Canada completing your 1 year programs you get 2 year stay back and for 2 year programs you will get 3 year stay back, In Australia after completing your course you are allowed to stay in Australia for 18 months, In UK If you are studying a course for 12 months or more, you can stay for extra four months.

Which Intake I choose to Study Abroad?

Most universities and colleges abroad offer two intakes– Fall and Spring. The fall intake usually starts in September (which ends in December) whereas as the Spring intakes begin in January (and ends in May). Certain universities and colleges also offer a minor intake in Summer that begins in April. The Intake is not uniform, it is different for different countries and collages.

Can I work while studying abroad?

Part time job's and Full time job's are available while you Studying Abroad, But it depends on the duration and selection of program you will be studying. Mainly international students can work for 20 hours per week during academic days and full time during holidays. You can find Job vacancies from newspapers and online.

Will I get a job after completing my studies?

It depends on what you do during in your studies. If you start communicating early with employers outside the campus or if you engage somewhere to gain added skills, it will help you in finding a job easily at the end of your collage days. you can find a job more quickly if you study abroad. According to the University of California, 97 percent of students who studied abroad found a job within 12 months after their college graduation.

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